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  • What is Ever Perfect Assistant?

    Ever Perfect Assistant is an online platform where users can sign up and use GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) to create unique stories. By providing various story elements, users can guide the AI in generating narratives tailored to their preferences.

  • How do I start using Ever Perfect Assistant?

    To get started with Ever Perfect Assistant, first create an account on the website. Once you have signed up and verified your email address, you'll receive 100,000 GPT-3.5 Tokens to try out the system. From there, you can create a story by providing the required information, such as the title and story image, and selecting from various optional fields to further customize your story.

  • Do I need any prior experience to use Ever Perfect Assistant?

    No, you don't need any prior experience to use Ever Perfect Assistant. The platform is user-friendly and designed for both experienced and amateur writers. The AI will guide you through creating a story by providing suggestions, and you can also edit the generated content to refine your narrative.

  • Are there any costs associated with using Ever Perfect Assistant?

    Ever Perfect Assistant offers a free trial with 100,000 GPT-3.5 Tokens for new users. After utilizing these tokens, you can purchase one of the available packages (Short Stories, Novella, or Novel) to continue using the platform and receive additional tokens. Each package has different costs, token amounts, and features.

  • Can I save my progress while creating a story?

    Yes, your progress is saved automatically as you work on your story. This allows you to continue your writing from where you left off at any time.

  • Can I share my stories with others?

    Yes, you can share your stories with others. By default, all stories are public and can be read by other users in the Library section of the platform. However, if you have purchased a Novella or Novel package, you can choose to make your stories private, making them accessible only to you.

  • How do I learn more about the features and options of Ever Perfect Assistant?

    Our other FAQ topics cover the various features, options, and guidelines for using Ever Perfect Assistant in detail. You can browse these topics to gain a better understanding of the platform and learn how to make the most of your writing experience.

  • What are the system requirements to use Ever Perfect Assistant?

    Ever Perfect Assistant is an online platform that works with modern web browsers. The platform is compatible with most devices such as desktop computers, laptops, tablets, and smartphones, as long as they have a stable internet connection and a compatible web browser. Ensure you have the latest version of your browser for the best user experience.

  • Do I retain the rights to the stories I create on Ever Perfect Assistant?

    Yes, you retain the rights to any stories you create on Ever Perfect Assistant. As the author, you can use, publish, or distribute your stories outside of the platform in any way you choose.

  • How do I register for an account on Ever Perfect Assistant?

    To register for an account, visit the Ever Perfect Assistant website and click on the "Sign Up" button. Fill in the required information, including your name, email address, and password. Make sure you provide a valid email address, as you will need to verify it before you can start using the platform.

  • Is there a fee to create an account on Ever Perfect Assistant?

    No, creating an account on Ever Perfect Assistant is free. Upon registration, all users receive 100,000 GPT-3.5 Tokens to try out the system. However, to continue using the platform after the free tokens are used up, you will need to purchase one of the available packages.

  • How do I verify my email address?

    After registering, you will receive an email containing a verification link. Click on the link to verify your email address. If you don’t see the email in your inbox, check your spam or junk folder. If you still can't find it, request a new verification email from the Ever Perfect Assistant website.

  • Why do I need to verify my email address?

    Email verification is required to ensure that users have a valid email address and to help prevent spam and abuse on the platform. You must verify your email before you can start writing stories on Ever Perfect Assistant.

  • I haven't received the verification email. What should I do?

    First, check your spam or junk folder. If the email is not there, make sure you entered the correct email address during registration. If you entered the wrong email address, simply create a new account with the correct email address. If everything is correct but you still have not received the verification email, contact the Ever Perfect Assistant support team for assistance.

  • Can I start writing stories without verifying my email address?

    No, you must verify your email address in order to start writing stories on Ever Perfect Assistant. This ensures that all users have a valid email address and helps improve the overall experience and security of the platform.

  • How long does it take to receive the verification email?

    Verification emails are usually sent out immediately after you register. It can take a few minutes for the email to arrive in your inbox. If you haven't received the email within an hour, please check your spam folder and make sure you entered the correct email address during registration. If the problem persists, contact the Ever Perfect Assistant support team for assistance.

  • Can I change my registered email address?

    Yes, you can change your registered email address by logging into your Ever Perfect Assistant account, navigating to your account settings, and updating your email address. Make sure you have access to the new email address, as you will need to verify it.

  • Do I need to verify a new email address if I change it?

    Yes, if you change your registered email address, you will need to verify the new email address before continuing to use the Ever Perfect Assistant platform. A verification email will be sent to the new email address upon updating your account information.

  • What are the required fields when creating a story in Ever Perfect Assistant?

    When creating a story, only the title and story_image are required fields, while the rest are optional.

  • What are the optional fields that can be filled in when setting up a story?

    Optional fields include protagonist, location, antagonist, love interest, confidant, comic relief, story_so_far, genre, writing style, narrative style, author style, is private, and allow contributions.

  • Do I have to enter all the optional fields for my story?

    No, you can choose to leave some or all of the optional fields blank. They are there to help you provide more detail and direction to the AI.

  • What happens if I allow contributions to my story?

    If you set your story to allow contributions, any member of Ever Perfect Assistant can continue writing your story. However, they will only be able to edit or delete the parts they contributed.

  • Can I choose any author or are there specific authors available to choose from?

    Ever Perfect Assistant provides a list of over 100 authors, but you can also enter any other author you like that is not on the list.

  • What genres are available for my story?

    Ever Perfect Assistant offers a wide variety of genres to choose from, catering to diverse interests and styles.

  • What writing styles can I select for my story?

    Several writing styles are available, including Descriptive, Expository, Narrative, Persuasive, Argumentative, Stream Of Consciousness, Epistolary, Satirical, and Minimalist.

  • What narrative styles can I choose for my story?

    Ever Perfect Assistant offers various narrative styles, such as First Person, Second Person, Third Person Omniscient, Third-person Limited, Third-person Objective, Alternating Person, Framed Narrative, Epistolary Narrative, Nonlinear Narrative, and Unreliable Narrator.

  • Are there any restrictions on who can set their stories to private?

    Only paid users of Novella and Novel packs can set their stories to private.

  • Can I use the AI to help me write my story elements?

    Yes, all input fields when setting up the story have a button that allows the AI to write the whole field or build upon what you have already written.

  • Can I modify the story elements after I have started writing the story?

    Yes, you can always revise and make changes to your story elements, which will help you refine the direction and details of your story.

  • Is there a limit to the number of characters I can use for each story element field?

    There is no specific limit mentioned, but it is recommended to keep your inputs concise and focused to guide the AI effectively.

  • Can I change the author, genre, writing style, or narrative style after I have started writing my story?

    Yes, you can change these elements even after beginning the writing process. This flexibility allows you to experiment with different styles and storyteller voices.

  • How do I know which writing style or narrative style will work best for my story?

    It is up to your creative preferences and how you want to tell your story. You can always experiment with different styles to see which one resonates with your storytelling vision.

  • Can I collaborate on a story without setting it to allow contributions?

    To enable collaboration, you must set your story mode to allow contributions. Otherwise, other members won't be able to add to your story.

  • What happens if I set my story as private?

    Setting your story as private means it won't be visible to the public, accessible only by you. Keep in mind that this feature is available only for Novella and Novel pack users.

  • How do I select a story_image?

    The story_image is generated using AI based on your prompt. When setting up your story, simply input your prompt, and the AI will generate an image based on the given information.

  • Can I change the story_image after creating the story?

    Yes, you can change the story_image after the story has been created. You can update the image based on your evolving preferences or story direction.

  • Can I have multiple protagonists, antagonists, or other characters in my story?

    Yes, you can include multiple protagonists, antagonists, and other characters in your story. Just make sure to provide clear and concise prompts to guide the AI effectively.

  • Can I change the language or dialect used in my story?

    The available language and dialect options depend on the AI model's capabilities. Check the AI's language support to understand what language and dialect options are available to incorporate in your story.

  • How do I use AI assistance while writing my story on Ever Perfect Assistant?

    While writing your story, you can use AI assistance by clicking the "Generate with AI" button provided for each story element's field. This will allow AI to generate the content based on your instructions and any input you've already provided.

  • Can I ask the AI for suggestions on how to continue writing my story?

    Yes, you can ask the AI for suggestions on how to continue writing your story. Simply type your request in the input box and it will provide multiple suggestions. You can then choose one and modify it if desired.

  • Can I use the AI to write my entire story?

    Yes, you can use the AI to write your entire story. However, it's recommended to edit and refine the AI-generated outputs to make your story more coherent and engaging.

  • Can I edit the AI-generated outputs?

    Yes, you can edit the AI-generated outputs to refine your story and make necessary changes for better results.

  • How can I ask the AI to rewrite the last generated part of my story?

    To ask the AI to rewrite the last generated part, simply type what you wish to change and the AI will re-generate the output accordingly.

  • Can I control the creativity of the AI while writing my story?

    Yes, you can control the AI's creativity by adjusting the temperature setting. Higher temperature values will result in more creative outputs, while lower values will produce more focused and conservative outputs.

  • Can the AI help me come up with character names and descriptions?

    Yes, the AI can help you create character names and descriptions by simply requesting it in the input field.

  • Can the AI suggest plot twists and story developments?

    Yes, the AI can suggest plot twists and story developments to enhance your story's progression.

  • Can I use the AI to write dialogue for my story?

    Yes, you can use AI to generate dialogue between characters based on your input.

  • What are some best practices for using AI assistance while writing my story?

    Some best practices include providing clear, concise instructions to the AI, editing and refining AI-generated content, and reviewing the text for consistency and coherence before submitting.

  • How reliable is AI in generating content consistent with my story's tone and genre?

    AI is designed to adapt to your writing style, tone, and genre based on the information you provide. However, it's essential to review and edit AI-generated content to ensure consistency and proper alignment with your vision.

  • Can the AI help me with writer's block and brainstorming ideas?

    Yes, AI can be a valuable tool in overcoming writer's block and brainstorming ideas by providing suggestions and generating creative content based on your input.

  • How does AI handle complex settings, themes, and narrative styles?

    AI can handle various settings, themes, and narrative styles based on your input provided and the details you specify. However, it's essential to review the AI-generated content and make necessary adjustments for a coherent and engaging story.

  • Can I use AI to generate a story synopsis or summary?

    Yes, you can use AI to create a story synopsis or summary by clearly specifying your request in the input field.

  • Can AI generate content for all the supported writing styles and narrative styles in Ever Perfect Assistant?

    Yes, AI can generate content for all the supported writing styles and narrative styles available in Ever Perfect Assistant, provided you specify your preferences while using AI assistance.

  • Can multiple users utilize AI assistance simultaneously when collaborating on a story?

    Yes, multiple users can use AI assistance when collaborating on a story. However, each user will have to independently request AI suggestions and edit only the parts they contribute to the story.

  • How does Ever Perfect Assistant handle inappropriate content generated by AI?

    Ever Perfect Assistant encourages users to be responsible when using AI assistance and to edit and polish the generated content to ensure it adheres to the site's content guidelines. If inappropriate content is identified, it should be reported for proper action.

  • Can I use AI to help me decide on story elements such as protagonist, antagonist, and location?

    Yes, you can use AI to suggest story elements like the protagonist, antagonist, and location based on your preferences and any instructions provided in the input field.

  • How do I ensure that AI-generated content aligns with my specific author style?

    When using AI assistance, you can specify your preferred author style in the provided input field, allowing the AI to adapt to your desired style. However, it is recommended to review and edit the generated content for consistency and alignment with your style.

  • Is there a limit to how much content I can generate using AI assistance within my story?

    The amount of content you can generate using AI assistance depends on the number of GPT tokens available in your account. Each package—Short Stories, Novella, and Novel—comes with a different number of tokens, which will determine how much content you can generate.

  • What is the purpose of AI suggestions in Ever Perfect Assistant?

    AI suggestions help users continue writing their stories by providing them with creative ideas generated by the AI, based on the existing storyline and context.

  • How can I ask the AI for suggestions?

    While writing your story, simply click on the button to request AI suggestions. The AI will then generate several suggestions to help you continue writing your story.

  • Can I modify the AI-generated suggestions?

    Yes, you can choose one of the suggestions and modify it to your liking before incorporating it into your story.

  • What is the temperature setting in Ever Perfect Assistant?

    The temperature setting is a parameter that controls the level of creativity in the AI-generated outputs. A higher temperature results in more creative and diverse suggestions, while a lower temperature produces more focused and consistent outputs.

  • How can I adjust the temperature setting?

    You can change the temperature setting while writing your story by accessing the AI controls and adjusting the slider according to your preference.

  • Can I use AI suggestions for all story elements?

    Yes, AI suggestions can be applied to all input fields when setting up your story. Simply press the button next to each field, and the AI can either generate the whole field or resume based on what you've already written.

  • Can the AI rewrite the last generated part of my story?

    Yes, you can ask the AI to rewrite the last generated part by writing what you wish to change. The AI will then provide you with a revised version.

  • Are AI suggestions available for free users?

    Yes, all users get 100,000 GPT-3.5 Tokens for free to try out the system. Free users can access AI suggestions, but may have limitations compared to paid users.

  • Do AI suggestions consume my GPT tokens?

    Yes, using AI suggestions will consume tokens. The exact number of tokens used depends on the length of the context and the chosen output.

  • Is there a limit to the number of AI suggestions I can request?

    While there is no specific limit on the number of AI suggestions, your usage will depend on the tokens available in your account.

  • Which AI models are available for suggestions?

    Ever Perfect Assistant supports both GPT-3.5 and GPT-4 AI models for generating suggestions.

  • Can I switch between AI models for suggestions?

    Yes, you can switch between GPT-3.5 and GPT-4 AI models when using the AI suggestions feature.

  • Are AI suggestions always accurate and relevant?

    AI suggestions aim to provide creative ideas based on the existing context. However, the AI-generated outputs may not always be accurate or relevant. Users can edit and refine the suggestions to better fit their storyline.

  • Can I request AI suggestions for specific genres or writing styles?

    Yes, the AI suggestions will take into account the genre and writing style you select when creating your story or by modifying the input fields.

  • Where can I find public stories on Ever Perfect Assistant?

    You can find public stories in the Library section of the Ever Perfect Assistant website. This is where all the stories set to public by their authors are displayed for readers to enjoy.

  • Is there a way to search for specific stories or authors in the library?

    Yes, you can use the search bar in the library to find stories and authors based on keywords, such as the story title or the author's name.

  • Can I filter stories by genre or writing style?

    Absolutely! You can filter stories in the library by genre or writing style to help you find stories that match your preferences and interests.

  • Do I need an account to read public stories?

    No, you do not need an account to read public stories. However, registering for an account will allow you to interact with authors, leave feedback, and participate in the community.

  • Can I download or print stories from the library?

    Currently, there is no direct option to download or print stories from the library. You may, however, copy the text and save it in a separate document for personal use, with proper attribution to the author.

  • How often are new public stories added to the library?

    New public stories are added to the library as soon as their authors set them to the public setting. There is no specific schedule, as it depends on the activity of the writers on Ever Perfect Assistant.

  • Can I share a story I found in the library with others?

    Yes, you are welcome to share a story with others by providing them with the story's link. Please give proper credit to the authors and respect their intellectual property.

  • Is there a way to save my favorite stories for easy access later?

    Currently, there is no built-in feature for saving your favorite stories on Ever Perfect Assistant. However, you can bookmark the story's link in your browser for easier access later.

  • Can I request or suggest a story idea for authors to write about?

    While there is no specific feature for requesting story ideas, you can engage with authors through comments or feedback on their profile page. Keep in mind that it is up to the author whether they want to explore your idea or not.

  • Can I contribute to a public story?

    You can contribute to a story only if the author has enabled the "allow contributions" setting for that specific story. In such cases, you can continue writing and add to the existing story, with limitations on editing and deleting as per the rules set by the author.

  • Will I be credited if I contribute to a public story?

    Yes, when you contribute to a public story, your name will be associated with the portion of text you added. This ensures proper credit is given to all collaborative writers.

  • If I find a mistake or issue in a public story, what should I do?

    If you notice a mistake or issue in a public story, you can notify the author through comments or feedback on their profile page. Please be constructive and polite when pointing out errors or issues.

  • How do I access my writer profile page on Ever Perfect Assistant?

    To access your writer profile page, log in to your account and click on your username. This will direct you to your profile page where you can view and manage your stories, background, and profile photo.

  • How can I change my profile photo?

    To change your profile photo, navigate to your writer profile page and click on the default profile photo or your current photo. You can then upload a new image that meets the site's requirements for profile photos.

  • Can I customize the background of my writer profile page?

    Yes, you can customize the background of your writer profile page by selecting thedesired images or colors. Navigate to your profile page and click on the "Customize Background" option to start customizing.

  • Are there any limitations or requirements for the images I use for my profile photo or background?

    Images used for your profile photo or background should be clear, appropriate, and meet any size requirements specified by the site.

  • Can I customize the appearance of my story listings on my writer profile page?

    The appearance of your story listings is automatically determined by the site, but you can choose which stories are displayed on your profile by setting their privacy settings.

  • How do I make my stories private or public on my writer profile page?

    To change the privacy settings of your stories, go to the story settings and set the "is private" option accordingly. Note that only paid users (Novella and Novel pack subscribers) can set their stories to private.

  • Will other users be able to see my customized profile page?

    Yes, other users will be able to view your customized writer profile page, including your public stories, profile photo, and background.

  • How can I view other users' writer profile pages?

    To view other users' writer profile pages, click on their username while browsing the library or reading their public stories.

  • Can I customize the URL of my writer profile page?

    Currently, customizing the URL of your writer profile page is not supported. Your profile URL is generated based on your username.

  • Can I edit my bio or add additional information to my writer profile page?

    Yes, Ever Perfect Assistant does support adding a bio or other personal information to writer profile pages. The focus is on showcasing your public stories and customization options for your profile photo and background.

  • What are the different package options available on Ever Perfect Assistant?

    Ever Perfect Assistant offers three different packages for users: Short Stories Pack, Novella Pack, and Novel Pack. Each package comes with varying amounts of GPT-4 and GPT-3.5 tokens, which are used to write stories using AI assistance.

  • What is included in the Short Stories Pack?

    The Short Stories Pack includes 20,000 GPT-4 tokens, 200,000 GPT-3.5 tokens, and can be used to generate approximately 70-140 pages of GPT 3.5 text or 7-14 pages of GPT 4.0 text. Tokens in this pack expire after three months.

  • What does the Novella Pack offer?

    The Novella Pack comes with 50,000 GPT-4 tokens, 500,000 GPT-3.5 tokens, and allows you to write approximately 170-340 pages of GPT 3.5 text or 17-34 pages of GPT 4.0 text. This pack also includes an upcoming feature to control the initial story prompt and the ability to create private stories. Tokens expire after six months.

  • What can I get with the Novel Pack?

    The Novel Pack provides 240,000 GPT-4 tokens, 2,400,000 GPT-3.5 tokens, and the ability to generate roughly 800-1600 pages of GPT 3.5 text or 80-160 pages of GPT 4.0 text. Like the Novella Pack, it features the option for private stories and the upcoming control of the initial story prompt. Tokens in this pack expire after a year.

  • How are page estimations calculated for each package?

    One page is calculated as 300 words, and each word can cost between 5-10 tokens, depending on the context. The estimated pages for each package are based on these values and may vary.

  • Can I upgrade my package at any time?

    Yes, you can upgrade your package at any time. If you decide you need more tokens or features, simply select the desired package and proceed with the purchase.

  • What happens if I run out of tokens?

    If you run out of tokens, you will need to purchase additional tokens or upgrade to a higher package to continue using the AI writing assistance.

  • Can I create private stories with the Short Stories Pack?

    No, the ability to create private stories is available only for users who purchase the Novella Pack or Novel Pack.

  • What happens when my tokens expire?

    Token expiration means you will no longer be able to use the remaining tokens for AI writing assistance. You will need to purchase additional tokens or upgrade your package to continue using the AI features.

  • Do different token amounts apply when using GPT-3.5 or GPT-4?

    Yes, GPT-4 tokens and GPT-3.5 tokens are separate, and each pack has specific amounts allocated for each. You can use either type of tokens according to your preference; GPT-4 tokens are generally used for more advanced AI assistance, while GPT-3.5 tokens are suitable for standard writing assistance.

  • Are there any refunds for unused tokens?

    Unfortunately, Ever Perfect Assistant does not offer refunds for unused tokens. It is advised to utilize the tokens within the specified expiration period according to the purchased package.

  • What are GPT-3.5 Tokens, and how are they used on Ever Perfect Assistant?

    GPT-3.5 Tokens are a form of virtual currency used on Ever Perfect Assistant to access and utilize the AI writing capabilities of the platform. These tokens are used to generate story content through the AI and can be obtained via the different package options.

  • What are GPT-4 Tokens, and when can I use them?

    GPT-4 Tokens are another form of virtual currency for the advanced GPT-4 AI writing model. They will be available for use once the GPT-4 model is integrated into the Ever Perfect Assistant platform.

  • How many tokens do I receive as a new user?

    All new users receive 100,000 GPT-3.5 Tokens for free upon verifying their email address, allowing them to try out the system and experience the AI writing capabilities.

  • How long do my tokens last before they expire?

    The token expiration depends on the package you have purchased. Tokens in the Short Stories pack expire after three months, tokens in the Novella pack expire after six months, and tokens in the Novel pack expire after a year.

  • How are tokens consumed during the writing process?

    Tokens are spent based on the number of words generated by the AI. Each word can cost between 5–10 tokens, depending on the length of the context.

  • Can I extend the validity of my tokens if I don't use them by the expiration date?

    Unfortunately, tokens cannot be extended once they expire. It's essential to use your tokens within the specified time frame based on your selected package.

  • Can I purchase additional tokens separately from the packages?

    Currently, tokens can only be obtained through the three available package options—Short Stories, Novella, and Novel packs.

  • How many pages can I write with my tokens?

    Estimates of pages you can write with the tokens in each package are as follows: 70-140 pages for GPT-3.5 and 7-14 pages for GPT-4 with the Short Stories pack; 170-340 pages for GPT-3.5 and 17-34 pages for GPT-4 with the Novella pack; 800-1600 pages for GPT-3.5 and 80-160 pages for GPT-4 with the Novel pack. Note that one page is calculated as 300 words, and these are estimates that may vary.

  • Will my tokens automatically be deducted when I use the AI writing feature?

    Yes, tokens are automatically deducted from your account balance when you use the AI writing features.

  • Is there a limit to how many tokens I can purchase or use in a given time?

    There is no explicit limit on token usage or purchases. However, you must use your purchased tokens within the specified expiration period based on your package.

  • Can I check my token balance and usage history?

    Yes, you can check your token balance and usage history in your account settings or profile page.

  • Can I use a combination of GPT-3.5 and GPT-4 tokens to write the same story?

    Yes, you can utilize both GPT-3.5 and GPT-4 tokens in the same story.

  • What is the "Control Initial Prompt" feature?

    The "Control Initial Prompt" feature is an upcoming functionality for Ever Perfect Assistant where users can specifically control the initial prompt or starting point of their stories. This empowers users to give clear directions to the AI, ensuring the generated narratives align with their preferences and desired storylines.

  • How will the "Control Initial Prompt" feature improve my writing experience on Ever Perfect Assistant?

    The "Control Initial Prompt" feature will enable you to give the AI a more defined starting point for your story, guiding its narrative and creative flow. This feature helps create a more focused storyline right from the beginning, as the AI will follow the precise directions you provide.

  • When can I expect the "Control Initial Prompt" feature to be available?

    The "Control Initial Prompt" release date has not been announced yet. Keep an eye on the Ever Perfect Assistant website for updates and announcements.

  • Can all users access the "Control Initial Prompt" feature once released?

    Once the "Control Initial Prompt" feature is released, it will be available only for users who have purchased the Novella and Novel packs. Make sure you have the right package to access this feature for a more enhanced writing experience.

  • Will the "Control Initial Prompt" feature affect my token usage?

    The "Control Initial Prompt" functionality should not impact your token usage differently than regular AI-generated content. However, it is always essential to monitor your remaining tokens and be mindful of their usage to avoid exceeding your limits.

  • What is the purpose of the Feedback System in Ever Perfect Assistant?

    The Feedback System allows users to stay informed about the latest updates, upcoming features, and improvements to the site. It enables users to view the roadmap, changelog, and submit feedback and suggestions for improvements, making it a valuable tool for user engagement and collaboration between the development team and users.

  • How can I access the Ever Perfect Assistant Roadmap?

    The roadmap can typically be accessed from the main menu or a dedicated section on the website. Keep an eye out for any updates or announcements regarding the roadmap's location or availability.

  • What information can I find in the Roadmap?

    The roadmap provides an overview of planned features, improvements, and updates for Ever Perfect Assistant. You can see what the development team is currently working on and what to expect in future updates.

  • How can I view the Changelog?

    The changelog can be found by navigating to the Feedback System section of the website. It offers a detailed log of updates, bug fixes, and improvements that have been implemented on the site.

  • What kind of information is included in the Changelog?

    The changelog includes information on new features, improvements, bug fixes, and other changes made to the site. It helps users stay informed about the updates and improvements in Ever Perfect Assistant.

  • How do I submit feedback and suggestions for improvements on Ever Perfect Assistant?

    You can submit your feedback and suggestions through the Feedback System on the website. Locate the appropriate section, and you will have the option to leave comments, suggestions, or report any issues you might encounter.

  • What happens after I submit my feedback or suggestions?

    Once you submit your feedback or suggestions, the development team will review them and, if deemed appropriate, implement the changes to improve the overall user experience on Ever Perfect Assistant. Your input is valuable for the growth and development of the platform.

  • Can I see the status of my submitted suggestions or feedback?

    Depending on the implementation of the Feedback System, there might be an option for you to track the status of your submitted feedback or suggestions. Check the features available in the Feedback System section or contact the support team for further assistance.